Place Overview & Scrutiny                                                   APPENDIX D


Subject:                    King Alfred Leisure Centre Regeneration Project


Date of meeting:    14 December 2023


Report of:                 Corporate Director- Corporate Services


Contact Officer:      Name: John Peel



Ward(s) affected:   All


For general release



Action Required of Place Overview & Scrutiny Call In Panel:


1)        To note the minutes extract of the Cabinet meeting held on 18th July 2024



Brighton & Hove City Council




4.30pm 18 July 2024


Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove




Present: Councillor Sankey (Chair) Taylor (Deputy Chair), Burden, Daniel, Muten, Pumm, Robins and Williams







29          King Alfred Leisure Centre Regeneration Project


29.1      Cabinet considered a report that sought approval on the preferred site to deliver the new ‘West Hub’ facility to replace the King Alfred Leisure Centre.


29.2      Councillors Sankey, Robinson, Pumm, Nann, Taylor, Muten, Daniel, Alexander and Robins contributed to the debate of the report.


29.3      Resolved-


That Cabinet:


1)           Agrees that part of the existing seafront King Alfred site is the preferred site on which to take forward the development of the new sports and leisure facility to replace the existing King Alfred Leisure Centre.


2)           Approves the indicative capital budget for the project of up to £47.4 million to be included in the Medium Term Capital Investment programme to be funded from a combination of capital receipts, government grants and council borrowing.


3)           Approves an initial allocation of £2.7m of these resources to progress the project to planning application stage funded from council borrowing.


4)           Agrees to the commencement of design work for the development of the Leisure Centre on the preferred site, to include procuring the lead architect and professional team to deliver the new facility and delegates authority to the Corporate Director to approve the procurement of the associated professional team and to progress the project to planning application stage.


5)           Notes the inclusion of £1.07 million estimated ongoing revenue commitment within the Medium Term Financial Strategy to recognise the potential net financing costs of the project from 2025/26 onwards.


6)           Notes that as the project progresses to key decision points further reports will be presented to cabinet in line with the timetable set out at 4.16.





The meeting concluded at 7.00pm